Saturday, February 25, 2012

This post is dedicated to Ben Micah...

 ...Chief of staff of the Prime Minister's Department.  Ben, mate, you're in dream world.  How can you stop what's happening around you? If you really want the support of Papua New Guineans, don't mess with out constitutional freedoms.  Just take it on the chin and work it out.  This is the critic's message to you. You're dealing with a whole new generation. It's a whole new ball game. 

By the way, what happened to the radical Ben Micah from the University days? What happened to him? 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Dear Peter Sharp...

For the killing of deaths of innocent children MV Rabaul Queen...
For the families who now  have no fathers or mothers...
For the Papua New Guineans who lost their loved ones... 
For violating the laws of my country...  

Family album

We're exxon Mobil... like Shell, we cause the world's biggest disasters